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Scoot Airlines: Additional Covid-19 Precautions for Passengers

Kindly read the trade notice from Scoot Airlines as of May 11, 2020.

Dear Trade Partners,

Thank you for your continuous support of Scoot!

The safety and health of our passengers and crew remain as Scoot’s highest priority.

Therefore, in compliance with the new set of directives on additional precautionary Covid-19 measures for Singapore carriers, issued by Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, the following will take effect from10 May 2020, 2359 hours (Singapore time):

All passengers are required to wear masks onboard flights to and from Singapore, at all times during flight.

All passengers are required to submit a Health Declaration form prior to check-in.

Declaration form can be completed at the Scoot check-in counters or access the online form via an SMS notification to be received 24 hours prior to their flight.

Temperature screening will be conducted during check-in and any passengers found to be having higher than normal temperatures will not be allowed to board.

To facilitate security clearance and boarding, Scoot will only allow up to 3kg of cabin baggage on board in Economy and ScootPlus.

Scoot will continue to monitor the situation and evolving regulatory guidance, and review our operational procedures as required.

For more information, you may refer to the Additional Covid-19 Precautions for Passengers Notice on our website.

Should you have any further questions for us, do contact your local Scoot office.

Once again, we thank you for your kind understanding.

With Best Regards,

Scoot Sales Operation Team

For more information, kindly visit their website at

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