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Updates from Scoot Airlines as of November 12, 2020

Dear Trade Partners,

Scoot would like to draw your attention to our latest updates.

Singapore-Hong Kong Air Travel Bubble (ATB) Arrangements

With effect from 11​ November​ 2020​, the Singapore and Hong Kong governments announced details of the bilateral Air Travel Bubble, which aims to revive cross-border air travel between the two aviation hubs in a safe and progressive way. It allows all eligible travellers, regardless of the purpose of travel, to take COVID-19 tests in lieu of serving quarantine or Stay-Home restrictions.

In the initial phase, Scoot’s parent airline Singapore Airlines will be operating ATB flights. These ATB-designated flights will carry only passengers eligible for quarantine-free travel.

Even though Scoot will not be part of this phase of the ATB, it will nonetheless operate daily flights between Singapore and Hong Kong for passengers ineligible for the Air Travel Bubble, such as passengers transiting Singapore from other countries.

Travellers under the ATB must meet the following eligibility criteria and required health measures:

  • Taking a pre-departure COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test within 72 hours before departure, and a post-arrival COVID-19 PCR test at Hong Kong International Airport, with negative results.

  • Travellers, regardless of nationality [1], are able to travel to Hong Kong if they have stayed in Singapore and/or Hong Kong for the last 14 consecutive days before departure. [1] An exception exists for Singapore’s Work Permits or S-Passes holders working in the construction, marine shipyard, or process sectors, are not yet eligible for ATB flights due to regulatory requirements.

  • Similarly, travellers to Singapore, regardless of nationality, must have stayed in Hong Kong and/or Singapore for the last 14 consecutive days before departure.

  • Connecting itineraries that involve transit through either Singapore or Hong Kong will not be allowed to travel under the ATB.

  • Travellers from Hong Kong who are not Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents will need to apply for Air travel Pass (ATP) between seven and thirty calendar days prior to their intended date of entry into Singapore. More details can be found at

Please click here for more information on Air Travel Bubble (ATB).

Singapore-Hong Kong Flight Schedule

Scoot will be operating daily flight to HKG from 23​ November​ to 6​ December​ 2020​.

Flight schedule for Hong Kong

Singapore - Hong Kong TR980 / Hong Kong - Singapore TR981

Nov: 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22,23, 24,25,26, 27,28, 29,30

Dec: 1,2,3,4,5, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29

Scoot will continue to adjust our network in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Please click here for Scoot’s flight schedules.

Pre-Departure Testing for Inbound Travellers

To reduce the risks of importation, all travellers who are not Singapore citizens or residents and have recent travel history to India, Indonesia and Philippines are required to present a valid negative COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test to enter or transfer through Singapore.

To further reduce importation risk from similarly high-risk countries, from 17​ November​ 2020​ 2359​ hours, all inbound travellers who are not Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents will need to take a COVID-19 PCR test within 72 hours prior to departure. These travellers will still be required to serve their SHN upon arrival in Singapore, and to be tested at the end of their SHN.

Please click here for more information.

Scoot will continue to monitor the situation, as well as evolving regulatory guidance, and will review our procedures as required. Do visit our website for the latest announcements.

Should you have any further questions for us, do contact your local Scoot office.

With Best Regards,

Scoot Sales Operation Team

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