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What To Do During the Home Quarantine Due To Coronavirus (Covid-19) Outbreak For Businesses

I know how it feels when you are not doing anything either at home or wherever the location you are in. It feels like you are waiting forever for something and you couldn't sleep at all because our body is looking for that urge to be productive. As for me, I like to keep myself busy at all times but since we have to abide by the worldwide quarantine there is nothing else to do but to be safe at home with our family or with our pets.

As I am writing this blog, I have come up with the things that we can do especially for those people who are working at home remotely and for those who are into e-commerce who are selling goods or services online. It's really appalling that most businesses worldwide for sure are either broke or looking for ideas to survive because there is not enough profit coming in. We have to be positive and think of something that we can do to surpass these hurdles.

1. Website Enhancement

If you have a website for your business or blog, now is the time to enhance it and make it as professional as it should be. If you are selling goods online, you can change the images for better quality or have a photoshoot at home with your products that you can post to your social media pages or website. Think of something that you need to upgrade on your website like fonts, spacing, colors, etc. The better and polished your website will be, then more customers will be attracted to buy at your store.

If you need a professional e-commerce store or website, you can try

2. Product Review and Research

There are delays and suspension when it comes to deliveries in importing and exporting goods worldwide. While waiting for the products you ordered from your supplier, you can make a review of the product that you are selling by testing it yourself and not your staff. This is a great opportunity if your product is really in good condition and fit or able to be sold to your target consumers. The main reason why I recommend it is - it would be easy for you to sell the product to your customers because you will be more knowledgeable enough about the item you are selling. "To see is to believe" and To experience is to be knowledgeable. Another thing is to make a comparison of your product that you are selling with your competitor. This way, you would be able to know what kind of strategy they're doing why that specific item (for example) is their best seller. It's always good to observe with your competitors. You will get best practices and apply it to hone your product or skills and share it with your team.

You can check products online at or at DHgate.

3. Solving Problems One At a Time

I always solve my problems one at a time. I start with the problem that I can solve easily and look for ways and ideas on how to find an answer to those tough concerns later. Giving that option could subside your worries and you will be more focused on how to take action on the next issues that you are facing. The lesser your thoughts you are thinking, the easier for you to come up with the next plan. However, you might get into trouble where there are no other ways to fix it. The next option would be to sacrifice something, start a new beginning and be better.

4. Start with a new plan

You can always start with a new plan by establishing all the ideas that you have in mind in the past. This is a good time to make it happen and make it real. It's also advisable to have plans A to C. If one plan didn't work then you should have another plan to sustain your business during this crisis.

These recommendation is based on my opinion and my advice to those struggling during this critical period. It's always superior to get advice from your colleagues, family or someone that you really trust. Good luck to us and I hope these difficulties will subside soon.

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